Teacher Leadership Workshop

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Skill Up You Academy


Career Development


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Course Requirements

Connecting Teacher Leadership with Student Success


(Each workshop is of 2 hours)

WORKSHOP 1 : Who are our students?

An introduction to the developmental (cognitive, social and emotional) characteristics of children who are 12-17 years old.

WORKSHOP 2 : Belonging and the hidden curriculum

When children belong, they get engaged. They therefore learn more and misbehave less. This workshop will offer teachers specific and evidence-based strategies that would help all students feel welcome.

WORKSHOP 3 : The power of relationships

Teaching and learning are all about relationships. This workshop will offer teachers practical and evidence-based strategies that would help them build meaningful connections with each one of their students.

WORKSHOP 4 : Universal Design for Learning

UDL is the hottest framework in education today. It provides teachers of all age groups with practical and evidence-based tips and suggestions on how to make the curriculum accessible to all learners.

WORKSHOP 5 : Active learning: what does it mean?

What does it mean to actively learn? And what does it mean to understand? How can we get our students to learn actively and truly understand what they are learning, while at the same time completing a pre-set curriculum?

WORKSHOP 6 : Thinking routines (part 1)

Thinking routines are powerful methods that get students to think really hard and really deeply about different topics. They are a big part of active learning.

WORKSHOPE 7 : Thinking routines (part 2)

Thinking routines are powerful methods that get students to think really hard and really deeply about different topics. They are a big part of active learning.

WORKSHOP 8 : Taking care of ourselves, as teachers.

Teachers work very hard and much of what they do is under-appreciated. This workshop will offer them suggestions that would help them take care of themselves and their mental health.

Course Curriculum

1 Connecting Teacher Leadership with Student Success
Preview 1 Hour

WORKSHOPS FOR TEACHERS (Each workshop is ofa 2 hours)


Skill Up You Academy

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15 Courses

“Skill Up YOU” is an educational and consultancy company specialized in Youth and Young Adults development. It offers accredited programs of Subject Matter Experts in the fields of executive coaching, financial literacy, career growth, entrepreneurship, psychological development, school and parental support, as well as special programs to train educators on personality and character building.

Being aware of the importance of the leadership qualities, citizenship values and emotional and social competencies required by the future corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and citizens of the world, our trainers will add tremendous value in empowering the Youth and Young Adults in these skills thus facilitating their future educational, career, and life success.

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Teacher Leadership Workshop


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