How do we choose a career from confusion to faith?!

What will you major in?” is the most difficult question you can ask any student. Many schools have introduced initiatives related to career guidance, but without a clear program and scientific tools, choosing a university major remains a mystery and a challenge. More than half of those working in the labor market do not work in their major.

But what if we turned this equation around?

What if we put career guidance at the heart of the educational process in high school?

What if schools allocated enough time

If they cooperated with certified and experienced experts

If they resorted to scientific and unconventional methods?

The student

⬅️ would know what professions suit his personality, aspirations and abilities.

⬅️ He would draw a clear career path from the beginning

⬅️ He would not waste a year or more of his life on a major he does not like.

I won’t say 100%

But if more than half of those working in the labor market worked in their major

How much would that have a positive impact on the economy and society?

You can imagine!

I recently obtained an internationally accredited certificate in this field

And I look forward to continuing to help students know themselves and the specializations that are most suitable for them in a scientific and practical way.

So if you are an educational official in a school and would like to learn more about the subject

Send me the word "specialization" and let's talk.


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