On the importance of career and vocational guidance for students

In most cases, the school principal is the one who decides the context of the career guidance process (from updating to choosing partners and programs), (VUCA WORLD) in the volatile, ambiguous, complex and dual-interpretation world of VUCA, where lifestyles and career orientations change with the development of technology and global crises.

The school cannot remain fixed in its methods

What was suitable 3 years ago (not thirty years ago) is no longer suitable today

And will not be suitable after 3 years

Especially in career guidance

A student in a certain specialization at the university

May wake up tomorrow and find that this profession has been canceled by artificial intelligence

So what will he do? How will he behave? How will he continue learning? Where will he go professionally?

Therefore, the school must lead the career guidance and counseling process

From the tenth grade, not in the last year of study

And follow the “scientific” foundations with certified experts

Otherwise, our students and youth will not be prepared for the (near) future


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