Social Entrepreneurship & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Instructor Name

Skill Up You Academy


Career Development


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Course Requirements

Workshop Description:

This workshop is designed to introduce participants to the concepts of Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), emphasizing their importance in modern business environments. Participants will learn how to integrate sustainable practices into business models, create social value, and contribute to global development goals. The course provides hands-on learning to help participants understand how social enterprises operate and how CSR initiatives can drive positive change while benefiting businesses.

Course Methodology:

The workshop will employ a mix of theoretical knowledge and practical exercises. Methodologies include:

  • Interactive lectures introducing key concepts.
  • Case studies showcasing successful social enterprises and CSR strategies.
  • Group discussions to foster peer-to-peer learning.
  • Practical workshops where participants will design their own CSR initiatives or social enterprises.
  • Guest speakers from the social entrepreneurship and CSR sectors to share their experiences.
  • Team presentations to encourage collaborative problem-solving.

Course Objectives:

  1. To provide a clear understanding of Social Entrepreneurship and CSR and their role in achieving sustainable development.
  2. To explore the business case for CSR and how social enterprises can balance profit with purpose.
  3. To equip participants with the tools to design and implement social entrepreneurship ventures or CSR initiatives.
  4. To highlight the link between CSR, social entrepreneurship, and global goals such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  5. To inspire participants to develop innovative, sustainable solutions to social and environmental challenges.

Target Audience:

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Entrepreneurs and business leaders interested in integrating social impact into their business models.
  • Corporate professionals working in CSR, sustainability, or social impact roles.
  • NGOs and nonprofit leaders looking to apply business strategies to social change.
  • Students and young professionals exploring careers in social entrepreneurship or CSR.
  • Government and development sector professionals interested in private sector collaboration for sustainable development.

Target Competencies:

Participants will develop skills and knowledge in the following areas:

  • Social entrepreneurship and CSR fundamentals.
  • Strategy development for CSR initiatives.
  • Business modeling for social enterprises.
  • Leadership in sustainability and corporate ethics.
  • Measurement and communication of social impact.

Course Outline:

Day 1: Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship and CSR

  • Understanding Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts and Principles
  • Defining Corporate Social Responsibility: A Business Imperative
  • Case Study: Successful Social Enterprises and CSR Projects
  • Group Activity: Identifying Social and Environmental Problems

Day 2: Building Social Enterprises

  • Social Enterprise Business Models and Frameworks
  • Practical Workshop: Designing a Social Enterprise
  • Financial Sustainability and Scaling Impact
  • Ethical Leadership and the Role of Businesses in Society

Day 3: Implementing CSR Strategies

  • The Business Case for CSR: Benefits to Companies and Communities
  • Creating Impact-Driven CSR Programs
  • Measuring and Reporting Social Impact
  • Practical Workshop: Designing a CSR Initiative

Day 4: Integrating Social Impact and Business Success

  • Aligning Social Enterprise and CSR with the SDGs
  • Engaging Stakeholders and Partnerships for Impact
  • Team Presentations: Social Enterprise or CSR Initiative Design
  • Reflection and Next Steps: Building a Sustainable Future

Course Curriculum


Skill Up You Academy

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0 Students
27 Courses

“Skill Up YOU” is an educational and consultancy company specialized in Youth and Young Adults development. It offers accredited programs of Subject Matter Experts in the fields of executive coaching, financial literacy, career growth, entrepreneurship, psychological development, school and parental support, as well as special programs to train educators on personality and character building.

Being aware of the importance of the leadership qualities, citizenship values and emotional and social competencies required by the future corporate leaders, entrepreneurs and citizens of the world, our trainers will add tremendous value in empowering the Youth and Young Adults in these skills thus facilitating their future educational, career, and life success.

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Social Entrepreneurship & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)


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